Parish Leadership
Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees has three members, including Fr. Hastings. Parishioners Lydia Villalva-Lijó and John Barrett have been appointed by the pastor and approved by the Archbishop. As trustees, they assist with legal and fiduciary matters and provide oversight on the Archdiocese's behalf.
Pastoral Council
The Pastoral Council manages the parish's response to key issues impacting the parish. It serves as the focal point for establishing the parish's vision, defining what Holy Spirit stands for as a community, gathering parishioner views, researching issues, identifying internal and external resources and making recommendations to the trustees and parish administration.
The Pastoral Council, composed of representatives of the entire parish, offers counsel to the pastor in matters that affect the spiritual wellbeing of the parish so that the members of the parish can grow in their individual and collective relationship with God.
The Pastoral Council is advisory to the pastor. It aids the pastor in establishing, defining, and implementing goals and policies, both long-range and short-range.
Sabrina Garbutt
Eric Zorn
Maureen Modl
Chris Lyons
Elizabeth Fichtel Hafertepe
Dave Fox
Hannah Quense
Kelly Jaeschke
Pat Thuente
Finance Council
The Code of Canon Law (#537) requires that every parish have a finance council. Finance councils are similar to pastoral councils in that they serve an advisory role. The council exists to advise the pastor in managing goods of the parish.
Council members are responsible for maintaining the parish’s financial health, approving the annual budget, and planning its financial future.
Finance Council
Jennifer Barrett
Jake Johnson
John Campbell
David Musielewicz
Kay Craighead